Day 1: Beginning of many beginnings.
If I need to sum up today with a quote, I would choose a loosely translated one from Telugu:
Home is far away, It's already pitch dark, the road is filled with pot holes. I don't have a lantern in my hand but confidence in my heart that I'll reach home.
Talking to people with higher skillset and experience in MERN stack and leet code, I have draw some conclusions as of now and they are subject to change.
- Let's first completely focus on JavaScript including ES5, ES6.
- Learn and practice Ago & DS in JS.
- Start React after basics of Algo and DS.
- Once completing 2 small or 1 big MERN project which uses most concepts start Leetcode
- There is nothing against using JS for Leetcode but it's always preferred to learn and use python.
- Tutorial Hell is real and it's always better to do and learn than code along and learn. that doesn't mean one shouldn't watch tutorials for learning the fundamentals.
- Finally, I took a resolution to complete Freecodecamp till JavaScript before I use any other resource.
Today's Update:
- Meditated for 1 hour: Takeaways were I think a lot of random things.
- Thanks to Diwali "fun activities" planning had a long day at office.
- Read 3 chapters of a book, named "SUM" in the afternoon. It's a collection of short stories with afterlife as central theme. It's definitely making me think and reassess various aspects of life
- Post office, took 2 hours to complete a HTML, CSS page as part of FCC practice.
- I started "A short history of nearly everything- Bill Bryson" audiobook today. It's so fun and interesting. I listen to audiobooks while working out and while doing chores.
Parting thoughts:
- Something I read today,
Mind gives birth to a thought, that thought brings up an emotion in you. You now think about that thought and label it as happiness and sadness based on the emotion it evoked. Now you run around to amass more of the happy thoughts and run away from so called sad thoughts. Now add the another layer of generic definitions of what is happiness and what is not by society.
This, is the way most of us live.