Day 5 : Never ending basics

Quick Updates first: In reverse order ,

  • Completed JS basics on FCC. (from data types till recursive functions, prototypes, etc, will start ES6 tomorrow)
  • Read a couple of pages in the current novel.
  • Listened to an audiobook summary and many songs.
  • Haven't meditated or worked out today
  • Visiting friends and family and made some observations about life.

Long form: Given today's a festival day, been to places and made observations like,

  • How money can liberate us to an extent and give access to a better standard of living. (self reminder: study, code and get rich)
  • I was lost in a train of thoughts of what reasons people may have not to leave this country when they have means to.
  • What would run in the minds of people in Jaguar and other top-notch cars in traffic jams and other areas where they are surrounded by others and inferior infrastructure.
  • Why we need cooking oil of any origin? Why has it become the most essential cooking ingredient?
  • Religion is human made multiplayer game, that we can play individually or in group following a set of rules that keep changing based on convenience like in the game of UNO, to score karma, which is of no use like fake internet points.
  • Parenting is a skill, and people without proper skill level shouldn't be allowed to give birth as they are potentially producing another mediocre fixed minded adult along with all the pollution and global warming that the kid is associated with day 1.

PS: It turned out to be less of software update and more of thoughts, but I warned you on day 1.